Better decisions are made when people challenge your thinking…
This is a great post by Megan Goodwin on LinkedIn about engineering cognitive diversity and how people who don’t think like you help you make better decisions.
This is a great post by Megan Goodwin on LinkedIn about engineering cognitive diversity and how people who don’t think like you help you make better decisions.
When was the last time you asked an employee if they were happy at work? Avoid the mistake and cost by assuming a team member isn’t complaining, they are happy.
In a labor market that is more automated, digital, and dynamic, what are the skills needed for the future of work? McKinsey reveals 56 elements that could benefit all.
It’s not about being the smartest person in the room. It’s about building a great team with the smartest people and inspiring them to believe in the impossible.
For much of the 20th century, manufacturing seemed like the industry most capable of grabbing the future with both hands, propelling itself forward, and bringing the rest of the world along for the ride. Innovations that mass-produced the Model-T were only separated from advances in robotics and automation by a few decades, all while manufacturers …
An interesting read from Ericsson on how reshoring manufacturing is helping to bring back jobs. A thoughtful reflection is the impact of automation in manufacturing and how this is affecting growth: “The fact is that automation is affecting jobs globally. For example, over the last 10 years, Chinese manufacturing has seen a 6% growth compared to a …
Read more “Reshoring manufacturing: How digital transformation is bringing back jobs”