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Your dose of digital transformation beyond the buzzwords for Manufacturing Leaders.

Tuesday is the new day in the week when we get to learn and grow together.  Beyond the Buzzwords from Nick Leeder & Co is a highly curated blog which explores that challenges for driving transformations in the manufacturing sector.  We hope you enjoy our thoughts and muses!

Your Lightbulb Moment? Our Latest Insights

From Buzzwords to Benefits Title

From Buzzwords to Benefits: Navigating Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

Why are we writing this article about Buzzwords to Benefits? In today’s boardrooms, manufacturing leaders are bombarded with buzzwords like ‘digital twin,’ industry 5.0,’ and ‘generative AI-driven analytics.’ These terms have become the modern-day snake oil—promising revolutionary changes without addressing the fundamental question: What real, measurable value do they bring to our business? How do we move from buzzwords to benefits? We’ve reached a point where the race isn’t to improve operations or sustainability outcomes but to see who can drop the latest buzzword first. It’s time to ask ourselves: Are we transforming our businesses or just getting lost in the noise? In recent months, we have been discovering a worrying trend with manufacturing leaders we are talking to… They are sitting through yet more meetings where their vendors or consulting partners pitch ‘Industry n.0’ solutions’* or AI. They nod along, but behind the polite expressions, they’re all thinking, ‘How will this actually help us improve our operations, reduce waste, lower costs, or meet our sustainability targets?‘  After the meeting, the executive is left with a stack of glossy presentation slides and flyers and a vague sense of urgency to ‘keep up’—yet no closer to understanding how these buzzwords translate to tangible improvements

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