black and teal mountain

Driving sustainability in industrial clusters

This is a really interesting white paper from Microsoft and Accenture driving sustainability in industrial clusters to help cut emissions and accelerate the drive to net-zero. Industrial clusters are geographic areas comprised of co-located companies that represent a single or multiple industries, such as refining, cement or steel. With industry responsible for 30 percent of …

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If data is the new oil….

New research shows that Almost three quarters (74%) of manufacturing and engineering companies post-pandemic are relying on legacy systems and Excel to get the job done! “Almost three-quarters of those surveyed, 71% are interested in using digital software ‘tools’ to support their role, it seems that a significant minority simply don’t have the skills to …

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Reshoring manufacturing: How digital transformation is bringing back jobs

An interesting read from Ericsson on how reshoring manufacturing is helping to bring back jobs. A thoughtful reflection is the impact of automation in manufacturing and how this is affecting growth: “The fact is that automation is affecting jobs globally. For example, over the last 10 years, Chinese manufacturing has seen a 6% growth compared to a …