NLCo Yellow Logo

Transform your business with SIRI and CoSIRI Assessments

Global partner of INCIT who co-pilot manufacturing and industrial companies with their digital and sustainability transformations

We help companies see the opportunity for sustainability and digital transformation in manufacturing beyond the buzzwords

Many companies are looking to optimise manufacturing processes and reduce the environmental impact through digital transformation and are struggling to understand where to start and what to change…

Companies identifying where to start and what to focus on
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With all the digital buzzwords, companies are struggling to identify where and how to start the digital transformation journey.

of leaders prioritise investment to reduce their carbon footprint
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But with all the regulatory pressures, and customer expectations, leaders are striving to identify where to invest to launch their net-zero  journey

smart industry readiness index

See where digital creates the biggest impact

Igniting your digital transformation journey with the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI)

Let’s face it: digital transformation in manufacturing is a complex subject, one that’s full of buzzwords and promises. With this noise, it’s difficult for companies of any size to create and implement effective digital transformation initiatives.

Over 70% of companies fail to scale their projects, yet the vast majority of manufacturing leaders see it as critical to their survival. 

So, how do you break this paradox? And, where do you start and prioritise the limited resources you have?

NLCo IGNITEit White Logo

Plan your smart manufacturing journey


How we take your digital transformation in manufacturing into a crystal clear outcome-driven roadmap focusing on what matters to your organisation

Consumer sustainability readiness index

Build the business of tomorrow

Defining your path to net-zero with the Consumer Sustainability Readiness Index (CoSIRI)

We help companies address the perfect storm of profitability and sustainability. It is a battle against increasing product complexity, customer expectations, and regulatory requirements to be met.  It’s difficult for companies of any size to create and implement effective sustainability initiatives.

Nearly 50% of companies feel they lack the necessary resources to meet ESG requirements, and that’s not surprising given there are over 575 unique standards for carbon accounting alone.
So, where do you start and prioritise the limited resources you have?

NLCo REDUCEit Yellow Logo

Embrace the future


How we help you navigate your path to net-zero using the CoSIRI Framework and differentiate yourself by independently rating the sustainability maturity of your business

Let's see how we can help...

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Let’s start a conversation; We can’t help you solve your problem if you don’t tell us about it!

(c) 2024 Nick Leeder & Co Limited. All rights reserved. | Images by Pavel Danilyuk on