NLCo See Dark Logo

Can you see the opportunity?

We help companies see the opportunity for digital transformation in manufacturing beyond the buzzwords

Trying to understand digital transformation in manufacturing is like trying to smell the colour 9

NLCo Yellow Hatch

Digital transformation in manufacturing to deliver real-world results and ROI can seem a real head-scratcher. 

SEE - smelling colour 9

To start you need to see the opportunity…

Many companies are looking to optimise manufacturing processes through digital transformation and are struggling to understand where to start and what to change…

Often, the focus is on the technology rather than the outcomes to release the benefits of digital transformation in manufacturing.

To ignite change and release larger benefits, a pragmatic roadmap forward and how to scale the benefits need to be defined.

Companies identifying where to start and what to focus on
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Defining a roadmap to drive and scale industry 4.0
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our mission is simple...

NLCo See White Logo

The beginning of any journey needs to start with the end destination…

We help you see where the opportunities are with digital transformation in manufacturing and map them into valuable prioritised roadmap of initiatives.  Our goal is to help you realise the benefits of digital transformation in manufacturing and gain competitive advantage through digital transformation.

How We Do It

See where digital creates the biggest impact

That’s why we focus our efforts on understanding your unique why.

Any opportunity must be rooted in your business goals, financials and key performance indicators.

We start here and not with the technology.

NLCo SEEit White Logo

See the opportunity across your value chain


How we help map your value chain on a single page and see your business through different lenses to identify new opportunities
NLCo IGNITEit White Logo

Plan your Industry 4.0 journey


How we take your digital transformation in manufacturing into a crystal clear outcome-driven roadmap focusing on what matters to your organisation
SEE - spark and ignite

Are you ready to spark the opportunity and ignite your transformation?

NLCo Yellow Hatch

Reach out to Nick Leeder & Co. to help you take the first steps to see where the opportunity is for digital transformation in manufacturing and to start delivering impact beyond the hype and buzzwords!

Let's start a conversation...

If you have a question about how Nick Leeder & Co can help your business, then please complete the opposite form.

We can’t help you solve your problem if you don’t tell us about it!

(c) 2024 Nick Leeder & Co Limited. All rights reserved. | Images by Pavel Danilyuk on