5 Boring Innovations Revolutionised Our World - Lego

How 5 Boring Innovations Revolutionised Our World

In the glamorous world of digital transformation, we often idolise shiny new and apparent game-changers like AI, Industry 5.0, and, as in last week’s post, cobots. But what about the underdogs? In this week’s Transformation Tuesday post, we explore 5 Boring Innovations that Revolutionised Our World. The seemingly dull inventions that quietly shape our daily …

man wearing vr goggles

What’s the buzz with Industry 4.0?

According to a report by Accenture, Industry 4.0 technologies could add up to $14.2 trillion to the global economy by 2030. Yet Industry 4.0 as a concept has been around for over a decade (since 2011) and we have not seen much progress… So what’s the buzz with Industry 4.0? What is Industry 4.0? Industry 4.0 is a term …