One Step at a Time and SIRI – MWorX 2022

It was awesome to be part of the MWorx 2022 event in Berlin this year. So much great content from some amazing speakers. We have assembled some useful links and content that our Nick Leeder shared in his presentation “One step at a time…” about how the route to profitable and sustainable transformation in manufacturing and the role that SIRI (Smart Industry Readiness Index) plays in helping companies plan this route.

The Presentation



Click on the link below to download the presentation from Nick or just scroll through below.

Coming Soon!
Presentation in development... 90%

Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI)

At the core of nicks presentation was about SIRI and how companies can understand the important things to focus on in the digital transformation journey. Click on the link below to find out more on SIRI or contact Nick Leeder & Co about how to run a SIRI assessment for your organisation

Konektio and AssetMinder

In the Recycling Lives case study used by Nick, they used a solution called AssetMinder from Konektio.

AssetMinder is the SaaS platform that unleashes the power of every asset in your business – driving value and opportunity in everything you do, delivering data to more people, and empowering your organization to drive value.

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